Regular eye care
During the first examination of the baby after birth, the doctor will check the baby's eyesto:• congenital disease• Eye Infections• SightIn your daily eye care to clean around your baby's eyeswith a clean damp cloth and do not use soap as this will irritantpoints.Sub-Konjuktiva bleeding
If you see closely at the white in your eyes, you can onlysee some of the fine blood vessels. If one of these blood vessels rupture,Blood will flow out of happiness whites of the eyes. This bleeding is called Sub-Konjuktiva which usually occurs at birth. If this happens then:• No treatment is required.• It will not damage the eye.• Blood loss is usually within two weeks.Common problem that occurs in infants usually are:• Konjuktivitis• Blocking channels blocked tear (Nasolacrimal) Konjuktivitis
Konjuktivitis means redness that occurs in the lining of the Konjuktivawhites of the eyes and the inside petals eyes. This may occur due to infection,culvert blockage or irritation of the eyes, for example: contact chemicalsFor infants, infection is usually caused by bacteria such as Neisseria gonnorhea(Gonorrheal infection) or by Chlamydia trachomatis. Both found the processbirths to mothers who have the infection.
Symptoms and signs• Out-colored fluid from the eye• sticky eyelids with pus, especially after sleeping• Exit points at the top of the wax cheeks• The white of the eyes may turn red or pink• swollen eyelidsKonjuktivitis may be more severe case of gonorrhea infection andlikely to affect the baby's eyes. It is therefore important tobring your baby to get medical attention immediately.
Treatment for Konjuktivitis Gonococcol
If manure points or other marks appearing in a few hours or days afterbirth, your baby will be a gonorrheal infection until the results of testsavailable. Treatment given is:• Clean the eyes every hour with eye drops and antibiotic eye drops to manure less points and less red eye.• Given the anti-biotic injections through a vein.• Parent (and all sexual partners of parents that can be detected) will also be investigated and treated for gonorrhea.Treatment for Chlamydia KonjuktivitisKonjuktivitis type usually start 5-12 days after birth.Treatment is usually given:• Oral anti-biotic for 14 to 21 days for infants and parents.• Anti-biotic eye drops and eye clean.Tips to remember:o Bring your baby to the doctor as soon as possible if the droppings points out with many and not reduced.o Babies who still wax eye in a few days of birth must be taken to the hospital immediately.o Use a clean cloth or towel for the baby because it is a separate can be infectious.o Do not use eye drops unless your doctor instructions.
Eye drops of prevention, silver nitrate 1% were not used in Malaysia over the year for the reduction of cases and there gonoccocal Konjuktivitis antibiotics other. Channels tears (Nasolacrimal) blocked.
Mean channel usually transmits tears from eyes to nose clogged / blocked. Newborns have the ability to secrete tears that secretes hormones, but usually not because of emotional tears until until the age of two to three years. This explains why the onset of symptoms at a relatively late age although it starts from birth. This has happened to the 2 to 6 percent of newborns. The two sides may blocked. Most channels are clogged tear will open spontaneously the age of one year. Tears may be a sign to gloucoma Congenital (from birth) and this may be associated with sensitivity to light and grown to the point infected. Signs and symptoms • Water points out that continued normally in a few weeks after birth. • Out of tears is divided over the eyelids and cheeks. • The white points in the beginning does not look red or pink until the infection begins. • There is risk of eye infection (Konjuktivitis) for drainage system weaknesses. • If the infection is not treated, it rarely spreads to the surrounding the eyes or cheeks. Treatment
Treatment is needed immediately if: • eyelids become very red or swollen • Appears red lump at the bottom corner of the eyelid. See a doctor if: • There are signs and symptoms of conjunctivitis (konjutiva), such as exit liquid yellowish • If you tear out the old year going, get the treatment of ophthalmologist (Eye Specialist). • If the baby easily disturbed by light or the larger point.